
Published a book of the Arpeggione

Vincenz Schuster, published a book's Diabelli in Vienna.

(This book for Cello Les Violin new guitar designed by Mr. George Stauffer;
Germany: Anleitung zur Erlernung des von Hrn. Georg Staufer neu erfundenen Guitarre-Violoncells)

The first edition is not extant, FUZO score for France's facsimile edition (Fzeau) being sold.
France Headquarters: http://www.fuzeau.com/ facsimiles@fuzeau.com

(Source: Musik fur Arpeggione, Alfred Lessing, Jozef De Been houwer Harald Mohs, FCD 368392)

* Academia Music (Tokyo), you can send a facsimile edition.

* (Share) in HOMADORIMU, Arpeggione Sonata, which sells music faxsimile.
Franz Schubert, Sonata Arpeggione, facsimile autograph score] revisory Philip Muller,
Description 34 page 64 page + facsimile notation , As of August 2006, 5,565 yen (Price).


* The National Library of Paris is the stock of a facsimile autograph.

Franz Schubert, Sonata Arpeggione, facsimile autograph score]


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